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School Holiday
Block - October 2024

Monday 7th October to Friday 11th October

9:00am Stingray
9:00am Shark
  9:30am Dolphin
9:30am Seahorse
10:00am Kingfish
9:55am Seahorse
10:30 am Eel
10:25am Seal
10:55am Shark 
10:55am Octopus
11:25am Octopus
11:25am Penguin
11:55am Seal
Classes must be booked through your parent portal app (iclass pro)
Payment is due at the time of booking to secure your space - $100 for the week, 5 lessons.



School holiday blocks are run in the second week of every school holidays. The school holiday dates are based on the New Zealand primary school term dates.

Lessons are taught every day Monday to Friday regardless of a Public Holiday. The frequency and intensity of the swim tuition enables the swimmers retention level to be high and effective.

Block lessons are a great way to boost your swimmers skills and confidence especially if they have plateaued for a while and are needing that extra boost to achieve the skills required for the next level.

If you have had time off structured swimming lessons or you have a busy Term time schedule, these holiday block intensive's are the lessons for you. We have quite a few families who come every school holidays as their term's are too busy to fit swimming lessons in. A great way to manage an essential life skill!    

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